MacDonald Carpet Cleaning Family Photo

Quality Carpet Care, Straight Forward Pricing, Family Friendly Service.

With a Baby on the way, looking for Organic Carpet Cleaning for his family, Jim MacDonald found a need for Quality Carpet Cleaning that uses only Organic Materials for Families in the Temecula Valley. MacDonald Carpet Cleaning is a Local Family Business located in Lake Elsinore, CA. Jim and his wife Tiffany started the Business to provide an Honest, Quality Carpet Cleaner with Family Friendly Service using only Organic Materials for Homes in Temecula Valley.

Our Commitment

Our commitment is to provide Quality Carpet Care, Family Friendly Service, and Straight Forward Pricing. We collect the details aiming to give an Accurate Price you can count on. We want families to know what to expect when they choose Our Local Family Business, understanding our Advanced Cleaning Process and Cost of Service.

There are no additional charges, hidden fees, or “starting price”. We are your Honest, Local Family Business.

Contact Jim

The Challenge

The Biggest Challenge was to ensure we had the Best Organic Solution possible that could fight the deepest stains while being Environmentally Safe for the Families of Temecula Valley. It’s Organic, Plant-Based, Food-Grade, and Kills 99.9% of Bacteria within 30 seconds of contact. The EPA found Our Organic Solution has less toxicity than vinegar. Our Sanitation Process Improves the Air Quality in Your Home and It’s Safe for those who suffer from allergies and the chemically sensitive.

The mission is not only to attack stains to make carpets look new again but also to provide a safe and healthy environment for families. Our Solution and Treatments combined with our low moisture, multi-step deep cleaning technique deep cleans & sanitizes Carpet, Area Rugs, and Upholstery more effectively than Traditional Carpet Cleaning Services Today.

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Family Owned & Operated

Jim MacDonald the Owner of MacDonald Carpet Cleaning, was inspired by the lack of quality, organic professional carpet cleaning in the area. MacDonald Carpet Cleaning wants to provide families with Quality Care with Organic Materials without all the up-selling and ambiguous pricing that many companies provide today. We strive to be straightforward with families and provide exceptional service with quality work.

Contact Jim

Our team

James MacDonald, MacDonald Carpet Cleaning Temecula Valley
Jim MacDonald

Owner & Operator

Tiffany MacDonald with MacDonald Carpet Cleaning
Tiffany MacDonald

Co-owner and Marketing Director